A diamond in the dust

This Friday we are getting up VERY early to attend A Call To Business breakfast meeting in London’s City. There is always a buzz inside me when I go up to ‘the smoke’. It’s the place things are happening!

This Friday, Paul and team will be telling us about a young West African man who seems to have become a self taught genius despite having to scour rubbish dumps for the bits and pieces he needed to build and design a radio, just one of his designs. Check him out:

► 10:07► 10:07
Nov 16, 2012 – Uploaded by thnkrtv
15-Year-Old Kelvin Doe is an engineering whiz living in Sierra Leone who scours the trash bins …

Half of me is excited that such a thing can happen, the other half challenges me to wonder why I didn’t get ‘discovered’ for the genius that I am.

Each of us have to do the best with what we have been given… In the time that we have…

As Gandalf said to Frodo in The Lord of the Rings film when Frodo wished he had never been given the ring… See my next post!

perception and bucket lists


This I saw on Facebook.  I like the idea of seeing myself positively don’t you?

“What about realism though?”  you argue.  Well, yes, that would be good, but how many people have an over-inflated view of themselves?  Not that many, I would suggest, as many people I have counselled over the years see themselves as much less than they actually are.

This morning, while putting archive boxes for our business in our already heaving loft, I dropped a lid of a plastic storage box farther back than I could easily reach.  Annoyed because its dusty up there, getting down on my knees I saw a cardboard box and – as I often do – got distracted.  “I wonder what is in there?”

Lifting up the lid I saw several colourful lever arch files and two box files. The lever arch files contained journals written as therapy during my struggle to do my PhD.  The box files contained: YES! my original copies of my poetry (some dating back 25 years or more), articles, short stories and my early attempts at writing down my personal story.

Excited?  Yes very, and intrigued because at Christmas my other half’s brother-in-law (i know, family links are confusing…) gave us his ‘old’ lap top in case any of our adult kids needed one or knew someone who would benefit by having a lap top.  This lap top had an ‘A’ drive – floppy disks.  Bear with me here; the last time I was in the loft, I came across a floopy disk storage box with two disks in it:  my archived poetry, writing, short stories etc.

Put the two finds together and I find my heart leaping with a sense of anticipation and intrigue at coming across the hard copies and the computer files of my non-professional, non-academic work.

Still with me?  One of the tasks given to me the last time I saw my ADHD psychiatrist was to write up a plan to breakdown the first of the academic papers I had outstanding.  Anti-procrastination exercise.  I mentioned that my back log of paper writing had been causing me concern because no matter how I thought I ‘must do this’, I never seemed to get going on it:  other more immediately gratifying tasks or crises got in the way.  I dutifully completed this task – I am paying the guy! – and furthering it to include other papers on my list of things to do at some point (I think it was becoming a ‘bucket list’!), I started to wonder about my creative, literary and therapeutic journal writing…  was I ever going to do that before I swanned off to Heaven?

Two things have miraculously emerged at almost the same time. I reckon this is a ‘sign’.

I have decided to view myself positively like the old girl in the cartoon.  I am more than capable of finishing my academic writing and now and then blogging my poetry, short stories and so on during that time.  I can treat myself with some creative blogging as a carrot to help me drag through some of the dry formal prose needed to get my papers published.

Later on after my list of projects have been done, I can address the issue of publishing more of my writing in a different format… unless Heaven comes first of course?

(C) drsharman.wordpress.com/ 2013

Another sort of bubbling…

Okay, so the viral thingy has upset my stomach too.  Just as I was looking at the IBS network pages (http://www.theibsnetwork.org/) for helpful tips, a phone call about a sick grandbaby in hospital puts my gripes into perspective.

Babies are so helpless. I find I have easily managed space in my heart and mind for these new additions to the family as well as my adult children and their partners.  I remember my parenting years and although ageing is not for sissies (Betty Davis?) neither is being a parent.

Facebook alert for friends to pray…


I’m so glad for my mate Godfrey Birtill’s songs – not bubbling myself this morning (viral thingy still around) but Godfrey’s Facebook link to the old traditional Pentecostal song he has updated (sounds like Lonnie Donnegan! – oops, age alert) made me smile and had me jigging around!  The old Pentecostals must have really enjoyed expressing their faith…

Music calms the troubled breast – as someone said.   It is also something that I forget when I am locked into a ‘downer’ or OTT time.  So, memo to self: “music is therapeutic, you know that Sharman – so PUT THE MUSIC ON!  NOW!”

Serendipity and sensitivity.

I managed to get my contact lens stuffed up into my eyeball last night – uurgh! (end of day tired and rubbed my eyes; I know, but I forgot I was wearing lenses and not my glasses through which I see much better these days of juggling short-sightedness with my aged need for reading glasses) I hoped it would clear this morning but, no, still lodged somewhere.  I worried it had got into my brain or nose because I nearly passed out when getting dressed, felt rather hot and sick and the nose is still running three weeks after i caught my baby grandson’s cold.

A call to several opticians and I got an appointment at Horsham 10.30 am.  Loads of time…  so I got involved in something and then “Its 10 o’clock!” came from Brian’s office.  Oh oh…I had to drive .. quite fast… to get to my appointment on time.  Then I had to wait.  so my blood pressure had gone up for nothing? Well, no. Serendipitously I found a useful article for my daughter whilst waiting:  how to deal with school age tantrums.  What do you do when your six year old is behaving like his two year old sister (she’s watching angelically of course: “me? behave like that?  of course not.”  So, it happens beyond two and before the teenage tantrum stage…  normal.  oh good.  So, my dear, its NOT your parenting or the fact you are a working mother (guilt ridden as they all are in my experience): it happens.

The optician (very kind young lady – nice outfit) successfuly managed to get the wandering lens out with the help of some dye to make it visible and a damp cotton bud.  Phew… The lens out, I wondered why I still felt giddy, hot and rather unwell.  As I was in town, I did a few errands – birthday presents and cards for next set of grandchildren to need remembering, bits and pieces in the chemists which I can’t get in the tiny towns locally…

Ok, still hot, head pounding and giddy.  Chemist.  Pharmacist.  They are good if you get a relatively un-busy one. Great, she was available and smiling:  could she help?  Yes please.  Just how long does a cold and catarrh last? “I think it’s a viral thing. plenty of liquid, rest, paracetamol and wait for it to pass.”  Great.

Son phones, upset because someone ‘had a go at him’.  He assures me he knows he shouldn’t take it so personally.  Dyslexia and dyspraxia make it hard to understand complex matters over the telephone.  ADHD makes it hard not to want a current stressful situation TO BE OVER NOW!  Hard to explain to others who are on the receiving end of your “please explain that again? can you write it down for me? Sorry but can you get back to me?” (twice asked on text and phone). He is going to switch phone off and go home to missus and baby and not think about anything more tonight.

Good idea.  I think I’ll do the same…  Switch brain off…

Yes, I will follow my prescription: bath, paracetemol, rest with a non-study book, listen to some good meditative music, get significant other to do dinner and pour me a glass of chilled white wine.

What do you mean, ‘the pharmacist didn’t mention the last two on that list’?  Well, I’m a doctor and I’ve just prescribed them for myself.

A new role? promoter??? mmm maybe not…

Although my neurodiverse profile doesnt include my being good at organisation and detail, I was pleased that my tendency towards perfection if at all possible helped last weekend!  Godfrey and Gill Birtill came to stay with us whilst they worked hard at two ‘Glory In The Pub’ events and at leading worship and speaking at our church. All went smoothly… phew!